During our science lessons, we have been investigating the effects of different forces. To test the effects of friction on toy cars, we set up an experiment to see how far it would travel over different surfaces.
Category: Year 5 Blog
In our history work, we have been using our researching skills to find out more about the production of Jade and Silk objects during the Shang Dynasty. Half of the class became experts in one of the two and then presented their findings to the other experts.
Teams competed to complete as many questions as possible using the numbers they collected from around our learning hub. We utilised our whiteboard tables to show our calculations.
Children in Year 5 have been learning how to read ordinance survey maps and have focussed on the 4 and 6 grid reference numbers that help us locate specific areas.
After moulding our ritual vessels at Compton Verney, Year 5 have been using water colour paints to emulate the appearance of bronze. Using various shades and intensities of green, blue, brown and black, we have tried to make them look as authentic as possible.
The children really enjoyed starting our European languages day by attending our French breakfast.
The children in this group are certainly being put through their paces! They have been learning new strength and conditioning exercises within a Tabata timed themed session and also showing off their skills on the wall bars.
This week the children chose the basketball shooters and table tennis. The children choose a different sport or activity each week. Places are still available for this term if you would like to join us.