The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.
During their time in KS1, children at Ernesford Grange Primary School develop their fundamental movement skills of co-ordination, agility and balance both individually and when working with others and become increasingly competent and confident in their abilities. Children are given the opportunity to engage in competitive physical activities, to learn to co-operate with others and are challenged to develop their own skills and techniques.



Children have access to two hours of structured PE lessons per week. Within these lessons they are taught to master basic movements of running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing their balance, agility and co-ordination. Each half term we select two different fundamental movement skills as our focus and children are taught how to develop and master those skills. Children also participate in team games where they develop tactics for attacking and defending and gymnastics and dance where they learn to sequence movements and explore their more creative side.

Children are given the opportunity to compete against each other within their PE lessons, as part of a team during whole school sporting events throughout the year and against other schools within Coventry East.

We also integrate physical activity into other areas of the curriculum and school life. Children take part in regular active maths lessons, they spend time with the older children who take on the role of play leaders at lunchtime and are given the opportunity for extra physical activity during our Friday afternoon Skills Academy.


At the end of each half term, the children’s skills and abilities are assessed in three different ways to give an overall picture of the child at the end of each academic year.

Their fundamental movement skills are assessed using the Real PE objectives. This indicates whether children are performing below, at or above age expectation in their co-ordination, agility and balance. Their approach to PE: ability to co-operate with others, to self-reflect, to challenge themselves and develop our three values of resilience, responsibility and respect is reviewed using the end of unit assessments from Real PE.

Their skills and development in key aspects of PE: games, gymnastics and dance are assessed against the objectives taught which are taken directly from the GetSet4PE scheme.

Our comprehensive approach to assessment ensures that we gain a holistic overview of each child but also highlights any areas of development as a school. Therefore, we are continuously developing our practice and improving the delivery of PE both within the curriculum and through our extra-curricular opportunities.

Key Stage 2


During their time in KS2, children at Ernesford Grange Primary School continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They are taught the benefits of communication and collaboration when competing with and against one another. They develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

By the end of KS2, it is our intention that all children develop a love for physical exercise, explore a variety of ways in which they can be physically active and understand the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle on both their physical and mental health.


Children have access to two hours of structured PE lessons per week. Within these lessons they are taught to master basic movements of running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing their fundamental movement skills of balance, agility and co-ordination. In KS2, we select two different fundamental movement skills accompanied by two other area of PE and Sport each half term as our focus. Children are taught how to develop and master that fundamental movement skill and apply it to the games they are also being taught the rules to. Within these games, children develop tactics for attacking and defending when working individually and as part of a team. Children also have the opportunity to develop their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance in lessons such as athletics, gymnastics and dance where they learn to use a range of movement patterns. Each half term, we also select a different unit from Real PE which focuses on developing the children’s approach to physical activity. Their social and personal skills and ability to evaluate their own and others’ performances in order to improve and achieve their best are the main focus.

Children are given the opportunity to compete against each other within their PE lessons, as part of a team during whole school sporting events throughout the year and against other schools. We also integrate physical activity into other areas of the curriculum and school life. Children take part in regular active maths lessons, they are offered a wide variety of physical activities during break and lunchtimes and are given the opportunity for extra physical activity during our Friday afternoon Skills Academy.


At the end of each half term, the children’s skills and abilities are assessed in three different ways to give an overall picture of the child at the end of each academic year.

Their fundamental movement skills are assessed using the Real PE objectives. This indicates whether children are performing below, at or above age expectation in their co-ordination, agility and balance.

Their approach to PE: ability to co-operate with others, to self-reflect, to challenge themselves and develop our three values of resilience, responsibility and respect is reviewed using the end of unit assessments from Real PE.

Their skills and development in key aspects of PE: games, gymnastics and dance are assessed against the objectives taught which are taken directly from the GetSet4PE scheme.

Our comprehensive approach to assessment ensures that we gain a holistic overview of each child but also highlights any areas of development requires as a school. Therefore, we are continuously developing our practice and improving the delivery of PE both within the curriculum and through our extra-curricular opportunities.