Headteacher’s Welcome

I would like to welcome you to our school website and hope you find it useful. Ernesford Grange Primary School provides an exciting education for all its pupils, offering wide opportunities through and beyond our broad and balanced school curriculum. Children’s learning, well-being, safety and happiness is at the heart of all we do and the decisions we make. We strive to ensure that we develop resilient, responsible and respectful citizens of the future. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for further information or to arrange a visit. Please watch our school video to gain an insight into a busy day at Ernesford Grange.
Mr Taylor

Reception Parents’ guide to Phonics, Reading and Spelling

EGPS Promo Video

Coventry City of Culture

To celebrate Coventry being the City of Culture, the whole school collaborated in creating this animation of what they hope Coventry will be like in the future. Children from Y1 upwards used templates to design their own futuristic fashions, where as pupils from Reception upwards also designed vehicles and other objects. The song was was written by Gareth Withers and was performed by him and pupils from our school. We hope you enjoy it!

I Love This City – Coventry – by Gareth Withers.

Our Summer Fête, (Rescheduled from July) took place on Friday 6th September. Click on the thumbnail to view photos of the event.

Parental Questionnaire – Spring 24

We are pleased to confirm that we have now collated all the data collected from the parental questionnaires. Many thanks to all who contributed to the survey. The questionnaire was organised into 16 statements about the school and its provision. The document below summarises our findings.

School Games – Gold Award