This week in Nursery we have been thinking about how we have changed since we were babies. We have talked about our families and made a special heart collage for them.
We had fun with foam, making different marks, such as circles, spirals and zigzags.
We have measured ourselves on the height chart and have compared the of sizes of bears and snakes, thinking about ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’. We have enjoyed singing lots of songs and rhymes, such as ‘Ten in the Bed’ and ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’, which has helped us with our counting.
George and Jamila came to visit and we learned about our Nursery rules:
Always be kind.
Stop, look and listen.
Always help to tidy up.
Move around the classroom carefully and safely.
We danced to ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ and we loved our first PE lesson too!