This week we have focussed on longer phase 4 words and compound words in Phonics as well as recapping our knowledge of Phase 3 sounds. In Maths we worked on comparing groups, looking at equal amounts, generalising 1 more and 1 less to 10 and noticing and creating patterns. In other areas we read Owl Babies and worked on our comprehension skills and drew a story map. We learnt about animal homes and looked outside while taking photographs of areas that would make good homes. We also thought about the different jobs people do including vets that help our pets and we made our own homes and beds for animals and pets. We have still had lots of conversation in the vets role play and we all wrote about what pets need in order to survive. We are continuing to watch and our caterpillars grow and change and enjoy talking about what comes next in their cycle. In PSHE we thought about differences in how we play and managing ourselves when we get angry. We enjoyed listening to Cbeebies radio about how to take care of pets and discussing how Christians know they are special to God in RE.