This week in Nursery we have been thinking about keeping safe in the sun.
The children talked about what we need such as sun hats, sun cream and sunglasses. We also talked about what we love to do outside in the sunshine.
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘qu’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. Our focus book this week was ‘Jump and Shout’ by Mike Dumbleton. Over the week the children explored rhyming words, learned some actions to go with the story and some new vocabulary too! We also played football phonics where the children had to roll the ball to each other and think of words beginning with the same sound and call them out! (s,t,m,d)
In Maths the children played a game outside where they had to match the correct numeral to the right number of dots. They had to dance, skip, hop or jump and when the tambourine shook they had to find their partner with the numerals and dots that matched.
Other activities have included;
Learning a new exercise dance called ‘Chikka Boom Summertime’ by the Learning Station.
Learning some new songs, ‘The Sun has got his Hat on’ with Mr Tumble doing Makaton signs and ‘Safe in the Sun’ with Dr Ranj on CBeebies.
Continuing with parachute games in PE.
PSHE 1 Decision Rainbow Goes to the Seaside. Thinking about keeping safe in the sun.
Ordering numbers- cut and stick and writing numbers.
Safe in the sun colouring.
With the lovely sunny weather we have also loved exploring our outdoor area!