This week in Nursery we have started a new mini project called ‘Shadows and Reflections’.
We began the week by thinking about how a shadow is made and had lots of fun outside creating shadow shapes using our bodies!
The children enjoyed dressing up and looking at their reflections in mirrors and thought about how their reflection had changed.
The children investigated and sorted shiny and not shiny (dull) objects. The children looked to see if they could see their reflection in the different objects.
We played a game called ‘Mirror Maths’ where pairs of children sat opposite to each other with a screen between them. They had the same 2d shapes. One child chose two of the shapes. They then gave instructions to place the shapes in a certain way, using positional language. When they removed the screen, they saw if they had made a mirror image!
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘ch’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. The children listened to the story ‘The Foggy, Foggy Forest’ by Nick Sharratt. They had to look at each picture and guess what it is before turning the page to reveal and predict the rhyming words too!
Other activities have included:
Practising for Sports Day!
Learning about fog and echoes, through our Story Times.
Exploring symmetry with mirrors.
Learning a new dance exercise called ‘Boogie Beebies – Oti’s Shine like the Sun’ and learning a new song about shadows!
Continuing to enjoy lots of fantastic learning in the outdoor area.
Continuing with safety in the sun colouring and drawing their ‘reflection’ in a mirror frame.