Sunshine and Showers! (PM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have continued to think about shadows, reflections, keeping safe in the sun, sunshine and showers!

Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children revised sounds previously taught and have continued to play lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending.

We have thought about things that we may see on a summer’s day, such as minibeasts, flowers and strawberries and the children enjoyed talking to their partner.

We have played Kim’s game (a memory game), focusing on Summer time objects.

The children had great fun trying to guess what the shadows were and had fun making shadow shapes themselves!

The children have learned a new exercise dance, ‘Walking in Sunshine’.

Other activities have included;

Playing a binoculars game, where the children had to guess what the picture was.

Continuing to enjoy a variety of activities in the outdoors! (Depending on the weather!)

Continuing to practice for our Sports Day.

A variety of colouring, mark making and pencil control activities, using different media.

Free painting-summer pictures.

Continuing to learn about safety in the sun through our Story Times.

A variety of construction and small world play.

Singing the songs that we have learned over this half term and playing the percussion instruments.