This week in Nursery we have started a new project called, ‘Big Wide World’.
We have talked about going on holiday and the children enjoyed sharing their holiday photos during Circle Time. These will be put on our display with the world map.
We thought about what we would pack in our suitcases and the children practiced their cutting and sticking skills to pack their own pretend suitcases!
We played Kim’s game all about transport and the children had to remember the items which had gone missing. This tested their memory! We also discussed all the different kinds of transport that go on the road, in the air, on or under the water and on a track.
The children have been on their own ‘Fantastic Journeys’, travelling around the school grounds on the wheeled toys. This linked well with Maths thinking about the vocabulary associated with distance and directions.
Using the ‘Little Wandle’ Phonics Scheme the children have learned the new sound ‘ck’ which comes at the end of words and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We also did ‘Rhyme Time’ where the children sang ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ in different ways such as loud, in a whisper, fast and slow. They also thought about syllables and clapped them, rhyming words and words that began with the same sound.
The children have listened to lots of stories including ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Burningham, ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ by Quentin Blake and ‘Penguin’s Holiday’ by Salina Yoon. In the book ‘You Choose’ by Pippa Goodhart the children had to choose their favourite type of transport and the destination they would travel to. They enjoyed discussing it with their Talking Partners!
With the construction kits the children enjoyed creating their own fantastic vehicles!
The new ‘Cat Café’ in the role play area was very popular where the children could choose from the menu and pretend to eat foods from around the world!
Other activities have included;
Using the ‘dabbers’ to colour in large pictures of different kinds of transport, pencil control activities including tracing over bikes and scooters and colouring different vehicles.
Singing lots of transport songs, including ‘A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea’ and ‘Row, Row, Row your Boat’ and ‘A Big Red Bus’.
Playing a binoculars game where the children had to guess the type of transport before it appeared.
The children have enjoyed continuing to practice their races for Sports Day.