In Nursery this week our focus has been on learning about people around the world.
The children listened to different stories from around the world. These included ‘Fatou Fetch the Water’ by Neil Griffiths, ‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne and ‘My Granny went to Market’ by Stella Blackstone.
We looked at different foods from around the world and the children enjoyed tasting pain au chocolate from France! It was yummy!
The children learned to say ‘hello’ in different languages. They then used some African percussion instruments to tap out the syllables in the words.
In Maths the children explored pattern and shape and used the pegs and beads to make repeating patterns. They also looked at some African fabrics and spotted 2d shapes within the design. We played as subitising game where the children had to say the correct number of foods (without counting) and show the number using their fingers. The children also enjoyed reading numerals and counting out the correct number using the people sort! They used the people puppets to help them!
Using the ‘Little Wandle’ Phonics Scheme the children have learned the new sound ‘sh’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We also did ‘Rhyme Time’ where the children sang ‘Down at the station’ in different ways such as loud, in a whisper, fast and slow. They also thought about syllables and clapped them, rhyming words and words that began with the same sound.
Other activities have included;
Creating 2d shape pictures.
People and food from around the world, ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and African patterns colouring.
Practising for Sports day.
Learning different kinds of dances from around the world, such as Flamenco, Bhangra, Irish, African and Hula dancing!
Dressing up and balancing baskets on our heads!
Enjoying the outdoors in the sunshine!