Splash! (AM Nursery)

This week in Nursery the children started a mini project called ‘Splash!’

We began the week by thinking about why is water wet! We thought about all the different ways we can use water.

The children have enjoyed exploring water in many different ways!

In Maths the children have thought about which container holds the most and the least amount of water. How many cups of water will fill the teapot and how many spoons will it take to fill a cup? We guessed (estimated) first and then saw which person had made the best guess! We introduced the vocabulary, ‘full’, ‘empty’ and ‘half full’. In the water tray the children had fun making pretend cups of tea with real tea bags!

Mrs Lindsay read ‘The Dog and the Ball’ and the children explored ‘heavier and lighter’ and ‘long and short’. Duck helped dog to find the right length of stick in order to reach his ball that had floated out onto the pond.

Using the ‘Little Wandle’ Phonics Scheme the children have learned the new sound ‘ng’ which comes at the end of words, such as ‘king’ and ‘wing’. They played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We also did ‘Rhyme Time’ where the children sang ‘A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea’ in different ways such as loud, in a whisper, fast and slow. They also thought about syllables and clapped them, rhyming words and words that began with the same sound.

We have focused on the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andrea. The children loved joining in with the rhyming words. We thought of different actions we could do as we read the story. The children loved ‘swimming’, ‘crawling’ and ‘jiggling’!

In the water tray the children enjoyed making cups of tea and later on investigated ice melting.

Other activities have included;

‘Moving up morning’, where the children had the opportunity to visit their new classroom and meet their new teachers.

Under the sea colouring and pencil control activities.

Practising for our Sports Day races. (Only 1 week to go until the real event!)

Learning some sea related songs such as ‘Baby Shark’, ‘We all live in a Yellow Submarine’ and a ‘Pirate’ song.

Learning a new exercise dance by the Learning Station called ‘The Swimming Song’.

Junk modelling, making sailing boats!

Counting and sorting fish!