Same and Different! (AM Nursery)

This week in Nursery the children have been celebrating how we are the same and different to our friends. They enjoyed looking in a mirror and painting their own self portraits.

We talked about our different heights and drew around the tallest and the shortest person in Nursery. The children enjoyed exploring different lengths of ribbons, the ‘snakes’, the people sort and the Compare Bears, thinking about the mathematical vocabulary, long, short, big, small, little, middle sized, same and different.

We have continued to make new friends, sharing and taking turns and learning our friends names. The children continue to learn our nursery rules and routines and are settling well.

We listened to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and learned about sharing. We explored colour mixing with our friends and did some wonderful handprints.

In ‘Rhyme Time’ the children sang ‘Humpty Dumpty’ in different ways such as loud, in a whisper, fast and slow. They also thought about syllables and clapped them, rhyming words and words that began with the same sound. We have played a rhyming word game and have enjoyed singing lots of nursery rhymes and songs.