Week Beginning 07/10/24

This week in reception we have continued our phonics learning and have now learnt the sounds g, o, c, k. We have also learnt our first tricky word ‘is’, we have enjoyed practising forming the graphemes and playing oral blending games. In maths we have been exploring how numbers can be composed of 1s and began to investigate the composition of 3 and 4. We are still continuing our topic ‘Let’s Explore’ and we have been learning about our community. We observed pictures of our local area in the past and discussed how it has changed, we went on a virtual walk to the post office and spoke about what we could see, we then labelled some pictures from the virtual walk. We had a very exciting visit from the firefighters on Thursday but this had to be cut short due to an emergency they got called to, hopefully we can see them again soon! Our jam packed week was finished with a visit from the police after having a discussion about the people who help us. In busy time we have loved dressing up as firemen outside, using the beebots to explore our local area and work together to complete our people who help us jigsaw.