Harvest! (AM Nursery)

This week in Nursery, our focus has been on Harvest and we have continued with other autumnal activities.

In maths the children have played a counting game using conkers. They have also explored ways of making 6 or 12 or 15 with egg boxes, conkers and fir cones.

We have continued to think about woodland animals, describing their features, for example an owl has feathers and a beak. The children created their own clay hedgehogs using coloured matchsticks for the prickles and googly eyes.

In PE the children had fun moving like woodland animals, they hopped like rabbits, crawled like hedgehogs and rolled up into balls, they flew like owls and scurried like squirrels! The children then pretended to be autumn leaves drifting and floating with the ribbon streamers. They also made different shapes such as circles, spirals and zig zags.

The children listened to the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and were reminded of our Nursery rules of everyone helping and remembering to share. The children practised writing or tracing over the initial letter of their name with food colouring on bread and then toasted it! The best bit was eating it! Yummy! We thought about why the butter melted and how the toast tasted.

The children have listened to a variety of autumnal stories and we have sung some songs too: ‘Holly the Hedgehog’, ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’, ‘The Farmer’s in his Den’ and ‘Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow’.

The children have compared fruit and vegetables, thinking about how they look, feel and smell and which fruit and vegetables are their favourites.

In Rhyme Time, (Little Wandle Phonics Scheme), the children have explored the nursery rhyme ‘Wind the Bobbin Up’, thinking about rhyming words, syllables and singing it fast, slow, loud and quiet.