This week we have been thinking about different celebrations. The children have brought in photos and shared their celebrations in Circle Time. These have included Eid, Diwali, birthdays, naming ceremonies, weddings and Christmas!
In Science the children looked at different objects and sorted them into shiny and not shiny things.
We talked about different kinds of celebration foods and the children got to taste some Panettone from Italy, which is eaten at Christmas Time. It was yummy!
In Maths the children have explored ways of making 5, using dragon’s treasure of gems and coins. They further consolidated their counting skills by counting out shiny coins into purses and thinking about the concepts of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’.
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘n’ and played lots of of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending.
In ‘Rhyme Time’, we explored the nursery rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’. We sang it fast, slow, loud and quiet! We thought about rhyming words and clapped and tapped out the number of syllables.
On Wednesday the children had lots of fun during our Christmas party and had a very special visitor!
On Thursday it was ‘Christmas Jumper Day’! We raised lots of money for ‘Save the Children Fund’!
Outside the children enjoyed sweeping up the leaves with our new brooms!