Dangerous Dinosaurs! (PM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have started a new project called ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs!’

The children travelled back in time and went outdoors to see if they could spot any prehistoric creatures. They had lots of fun in the Prehistoric Safari role play pretending to be explorers and in the Dinosaur Land small world.

The children were very creative when they painted some wonderful dinosaurs!

In Maths the children played a game where they had to roll a dice and attach the correct number of pegs on the stegosaurus and then compare the number of spikes to their friends and talk about who had more and fewer. We continue to do lots of counting with Counting Colin!

Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘u’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending.

The children enjoyed learning a new exercise dance called ‘Do the Dino’! on CBeebies. They also learned a Dinosaur song with actions to the tune of ‘Here we go round the Mulberry Bush’.

In PE the children practiced their throwing, catching and target skills.

Other activities have included:

Dinosaur colouring and pencil control activities.

Dinosaur playdough.
