Animal Fairytales (PM Nursery)

This week we have been focusing on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have listened to different versions of the stories and have enjoyed joining in with the refrains; ‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in! Not by the hair on my chinny chin, chin! Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll

Fantastic Fireworks! (AM Nursery)

This week the children have started a new mini project called ‘Sparkle and Shine’. This focuses on celebrations and we will revisit it at Christmas Time too! We have thought about Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remembrance Sunday (Poppy Day). Using paint and glitter the children created some wonderful firework pictures. They further developed their mark making skills using chalks. The

Fantastic Fireworks! (PM Nursery)

This week the children have started a new mini project called ‘Sparkle and Shine’. This focuses on celebrations and we will revisit it at Christmas Time too! We have thought about Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remembrance Sunday (Poppy Day). Using paint and glitter the children created some wonderful firework pictures. They further developed their mark making skills using chalks. The