Year 2 have written a short description of a city using lots of exciting words. They tried their best to include: adjectives, adverbs, onomatopoeia and of course their sentence punctuation! First, the children watched a film clip of a busy city in the rain and then drew their own. After that, they labelled it with words and phrases. The final
Author: Sarah Crust
We have used the skills we have recently learned in Design Technology to make a card with a moving superhero figure using a slider mechanism. They all look fabulous ready for Sunday!
We are over the moon with the number of children who have taken part in the maths challenge and created a scene using 3d shapes. Well done!
Year 1 and 2 children are thoroughly enjoying being heard read by the Year 6 reading ambassadors. They are becoming more confident at reading to someone new and answering some questions about their book. Keep it up everyone!
2C learned how to use a range of measuring cylinders to work out the capacity of cups and bottles. They estimated first, then worked as a group to measure accurately in millilitres, without soaking each other!
The children used clay to explore how to create sharp and spiky textures. They used their fingers to manipulate the clay and created some wonderful examples. We thought they looked just like real-life stalagmites!