Week Beginning 26.2.24

This week covered er, air, double letters, longer words and tricky words; full, push, and, go, no and of. In Maths we focussed on subitising looking at doubles up to 5 and using manipulatives and pictorial representations to build on previous experiences with dice patterns and numbers on fingers. The story of the week was Jack and the Beanstalk and the children sequenced the story and wrote a wanted poster to find the missing egg. We also read Jasper’s Beanstalk and looked and gave the children opportunists to join in with the days of the week. We planted our own beans with different variables to see which one grows best…In RE we spoke about special places for Christians and thought about the different types of churches and who works in a church. Lastly, we were fortunate enough to have some visitors come in and show us their allotment, what they grow, tools they use and how we look after plants and vegetables.