Lost in Space! (PM Nursery)

Lost in Space! (PM Nursery)

This week in Nursery the children have been focusing on Space!

The children have had lots of fun playing with the rockets and spaceships and zooming to the Moon and other planets!

They have been very creative and made different aliens using the playdough and adding googly eyes and pipe cleaners for antennae! They have also explored the Poppoids construction kit and used their imagination to make other fantastic aliens!

Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ’c’ and ‘k’ and played lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. The children have further developed their alliteration skills by being introduced to some friendly aliens, where their names begin with the same sound such as Ziggy Zaggy Zoggy Zoo or Minny Manny Monny Moo. We also thought about rhyming words in the story ‘Goodnight Moon’.

The children thought about the moon and saw how its shape changes. We thought about what the moon is made from and created craters with white paint mixed with flour and circular objects.

In Maths Mrs Lindsay used props to tell the story ‘Going to the Moon’ and the children practised their counting forwards and backwards skills. The children also raced against the one minute sand timer using tweezers to collect as many stars as they could!

The children listened to the story ‘How to catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers and retold the story using picture cards, thinking why each object was important.

We had lots of fun learning a new exercise dance from Little Movers called ‘Spaceship Dance’ and we also used the scarves to move to space music, practising letter shapes.

Other activities have included;

A space counting quiz.

Singing ‘Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer’.

Using tweezers to place pompoms on the craters of the moon.

Colouring aliens, rockets, space ships and astronauts.

Outside the children have hopped and jumped from one crater (hoops) to another, pretending to be astronauts!

PE using the large apparatus.

Thinking about Valentine’s Day and making cards.

Learning about Chinese New Year and making cards and colouring in dragons.