We had an adventurous day in the mine; scrambling up waterfalls, getting a dingy across the submerged lake and enjoying a hot chocolate deep underground. We experienced pitch black which was a first for all of us! Jude showed us how to split slate after we emerged from the mine.
Author: Natalie Slater
We had fun kayaking this morning and scrambling on the rocks at the beach in the afternoon. The sun shone all day for us too!
In Geography we have been learning about London. They then made comparisons with Kuala Lumpur. The children noticed similarities and differences between the two cities. They saw that both cities had rivers, tall towers and a zoo. They really enjoyed exploring Kuala Lumpur using google earth.
Full, half full or empty? How many cups of water can fit into the jug? How many cubes will it take to fill the bowl? What is the mass of the container in cubes? These are all questions that the children asked and they had fun finding out the answers!
In art we learnt about collagraphy. Children made their own printing blocks out of string, bubble wrap, corrugated card, string and other items they could find. They then painted it with special ink and created their own print. They were really pleased with their finished art work!
We have been counting in 2’s 5’s and 10’s. We have been doing repeated addition and have begun to make links to multiplication. 10+10+10=30, 3 groups of 10 is 30, 3 x 10 = 30. Children enjoyed doing this practically and writing on the tables in the learning hub!
We have been learning all about the Great Fire of London in History. The children worked together to complete a timeline of events that unfolded in early September 1666. They have learnt songs to help remember what happened. We then designed and made our own Tudor houses to burn down! The children could see how quickly the fire spread between