Year 3 were fortunate enough to have Dr Watson visit us this morning to lead a science workshop which focused on forces. She showed us a variety of experiments involving friction, contact and non contact forces and used a range of equipment. The children also enjoyed being scientists and joining in or conducting their own experiments. They particularly enjoyed using
Category: Year 3 Blog
Last Friday, 31st January, some of our choir children set off for an unforgettable day at the BP Pulse Live arena. Our adventure began at 12pm when we tucked into our lunch, buzzing with anticipation for the coach journey ahead. We arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare, settling into our seats towards the back left of
As part of our Science work this week our task was to investigate soils from our local environment, then to make comparisons and to identify features of different soil types. We discovered that soils are made from tiny pieces of eroded rock, air and organic matter and to understand that soil is one of the world’s most important natural resources
Year 3 have been learning all about collective nouns. Here they are enjoying playing a game called ‘Don’t tell me’ in which they were given a top secret collective noun. They had to find a matching partner with the same collective noun, but without telling them exactly. They used describing skills such as, ‘It is the collective noun for a
Recently, as part of our new topic, Rocks,Relics and Rumbles, Year 3 embarked on a fantastic investigation into the fascinating world of rocks using hand lenses. We examined various samples and learned about the three different types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Using our hand lenses, we observed the unique textures and patterns of each rock. We also explored whether they
Year 3 have been tinkering with a coding program called Scratch this week and exploring its functions and features. We were able to make our sprite move across the screen, add backgrounds and sounds. We will be using loops and progressing to making our own games using our coding skills.
This morning our KS2 History Hero winners got to visit Charterhouse. They enjoyed a tour of the house and grounds and learnt a lot about the rich history of this local attraction. A big thank you to Jennie for inviting us and for giving up her time to talk to us.
Year 3 have been learning about how to make a nutritious meal. This week they designed and made their own Taco.
3SE had a great Stone Age day experience at Ryton Pools, learning all about how our local area has changed since the Stone Age.