Staying Safe Online: As part of our Safer Internet Day this year, we took part in a live lesson online to learn all about how to keep ourselves safe online. We covered a range of topics including how important it is to keep personal details private and be wary of anyone pretending to be someone they’re not. We were encouraged to
Author: Richard Bolus
As part of our Science work this week our task was to investigate soils from our local environment, then to make comparisons and to identify features of different soil types. We discovered that soils are made from tiny pieces of eroded rock, air and organic matter and to understand that soil is one of the world’s most important natural resources
Recently, as part of our new topic, Rocks,Relics and Rumbles, Year 3 embarked on a fantastic investigation into the fascinating world of rocks using hand lenses. We examined various samples and learned about the three different types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Using our hand lenses, we observed the unique textures and patterns of each rock. We also explored whether they
Year 3 have been tinkering with a coding program called Scratch this week and exploring its functions and features. We were able to make our sprite move across the screen, add backgrounds and sounds. We will be using loops and progressing to making our own games using our coding skills.
What an incredible day our Year 3 children had at Ryton Pools Country Park! They delved into the Stone Age, engaging in hands-on experiences that brought history to life. The highlight was learning to make fire by striking flint, with each spark igniting their enthusiasm and getting to toast mushrooms! (marshmallows)They were really tasty! The children also had the chance
Year 3 have been History Detectives this week. We looked at some Archeological evidence from the Bronze Age, particularly focusing on the Amesbury Archer who was a Bronze Age Man whose remains were recovered in 2002 near Stonehenge. In groups the children had to work through the evidence and answer questions to consider what the burial site tells us about
Year 3 have been busy this week with our first art project! This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.
We had a great time visiting the Lunt Roman Fort in Baginton. The children learned lots of new facts about the Romans and how and why the Fort was built. We marched like soldiers of the Roman Legion and experienced battle drills and combat techniques. Rufus our guide was brilliant and was very knowledgeable! He showed us how to withdraw
In Year 3 we have been making 3-D shapes. We had great fun building our shapes such as cubes, square based pyramids and triangular prisms. We constructed our shapes using art straws, plasticine and multilink cubes. Which ones do you recognise?