This week was Nativity week! We enjoyed dressing up and performing ‘Our First Nativity’. In the classroom we covered words ending with -s and tricky words we, me and be. In Maths we have been subitising, recognising numerals, matching quantities to numerals and playing games using giant dice. In other areas we have been thinking
Author: Roxanne Conniff
This week the children were taught the new sounds sh, th, ng and nk and tricky words she, he, and of. In maths we focussed on counting by subitising to 5, singing songs like ‘Once I Caught a Fish Alive’ and playing the equal and not equal game. We read Room on the Broom and
This week we covered the new phonemes z, qu, ch and tricky words go, to, no and into. We are applying our phonics in different areas and writing more words on whiteboards. In Maths we looked at the composition of numbers to 5 using the terminology part and whole and we looked at patterns. We
This week we have learnt the phonemes v, w, x, and y and tricky words and, has, his and her. In Maths we looked at part and whole of numbers. We also looked at capacity using boxes and toys. Books included Car Car Truck Jeep and Mrs Armitage, Queen of the Road. The children enjoyed
This week we carried on with our phonics learning and learnt the phonemes ff, ss, ll and j. We have also learnt some new tricky words this week and they are put, pull, full, as. We continued our learning in ‘Marvellous Machines’ where we looked at different poems about machines, talked about the features of
This week we covered the phonemes h, b, f and l and tricky words is, I and the. In Maths we have used the words more, less and fewer to compare amounts. We read the books Explorers-My First Heroes and What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers and shared our thoughts and opinions on what we
This week the children thought about what they would wear in hot and cold places, we read Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham and retold the story using masks and discussed new vocabulary such as: squabble, bleat and trample. We also shared the story Harold and the Purple Crayon and anticipated what would happen next.
This week we covered the sounds g, o, c, k and had a review day. In Maths we looked at numbers to 4 and shapes. In other areas we explored nursery rhymes with actions, we discussed past and present photographs from the local area, we listened to the story Mini Rabbit Not Lost (and others)