Big Wide World! (AM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have started a new project called, ‘Big Wide World’. We have talked about going on holiday and the children enjoyed sharing their holiday photos during Circle Time. These will be put on our display with the world map. We thought about what we would pack in our suitcases and the children practiced their cutting and

Big Wide World! (PM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have started a new project called, ‘Big Wide World’. We have talked about going on holiday and the children enjoyed sharing their holiday photos during Circle Time. These will be put on our display with the world map. We thought about what we would pack in our suitcases and the children practiced their cutting and

Sunshine and Showers! (AM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have continued to think about shadows, reflections, keeping safe in the sun, sunshine and showers! Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children revised sounds previously taught and have continued to play lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We have thought about things that we may see on a summer’s

Sunshine and Showers! (PM Nursery)

This week in Nursery we have continued to think about shadows, reflections, keeping safe in the sun, sunshine and showers! Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children revised sounds previously taught and have continued to play lots of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We have thought about things that we may see on a summer’s