This half term the year 6 children have been working on their Static balance and their coordination.
Category: Year 6 Blog
Year 6 enjoyed thinking scientifically when they investigated shadows. They spent time in the playground looking at how shadows are formed, and in the classroom conducted experiments to show how we could make them bigger and smaller.
Year 6 had a few unexpected challenges to face today as they began their journey through the frozen kingdoms!
As part of their Britain at War work Year 6 used their sewing skills to design and make a toy suitable for a child during World War 2 following the principles of Make Do and Mend. The children also enjoyed creating new clothes from old.
Mr Taylor and Chester enjoyed sharing some of their favourite stories.
It was the return of our favourite event…. Sportshall Athletics! All the children in Years 5&6 have been working very hard in their PE lessons and lunchtime clubs to set their personal bests in each event. In the athletics competition there are running events- obstacle, over/under and relay races. Jumping- Long, Triple, Vertical and Speed Bounce. Throwing- Chest Push and
Year 6 are looking to improve their counter balance skills this half term. Using communication and good teamwork to complete their challanges.