River Pollution Workshop

Today, Year 4 had a special guest in from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, and we learnt all about pollution that occurs in rivers and drains. Year 3 joined us for our assembly, and we had a workshop to follow! We found the drains around our school and decorated around them to raise awareness for looking after our environment through what we

Earth and Space

Year 5’s Earth and Space topic has seen them discover and understand many of our Solar System’s phenomena; from our Moon’s lunation to how the planets orbit the Sun. Using models and demonstrations, the children were able to better understand the mind-boggling scale of our Solar System.

Maths Investigations

We have had a fun week in our maths lessons this week. We explored combinations and possibilities by dressing up a member of our class with different items to see how many different outfit combinations we could make. We then used our science knowledge about balanced diets to explore different combinations of food groups. Later on in the week, we