Our Year 5s have been using their photography skills this week to produce some fantastic black and white photos. We have been exploring line, light and shadows this term in art and this has added another skill we can use to produce creative and thought-provoking artwork. Our next task is to pick one of our pictures to recreate using various
Author: William Stevens
This week, we played a fun game in the learning hub as a way to reinforce our knowledge of multiplying fractions or mixed numbers to integers. We would construct our own questions from a selection of all the integers, mixed numbers and fractions we could think of.
The year 5 children were very helpful in rehoming a few of our more established saplings that we planted in raised beds last year. We positioned them on the far end of our field, where we hope they will grow into larger trees alongside the others nearby.
Last Friday, 31st January, some of our choir children set off for an unforgettable day at the BP Pulse Live arena. Our adventure began at 12pm when we tucked into our lunch, buzzing with anticipation for the coach journey ahead. We arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare, settling into our seats towards the back left of
To help cement our understanding of formal written methods of multiplication, the children have been engaging in several fun and interactive activities that allow them to share their knowledge and support each other. They really enjoying trying to reach the end of ‘The Gauntlet’ and we saw great improvement in their resilience throughout these tasks.
8 children of our KS1 children were able to take part in an annual science workshop run by the science coordinators from across 4 of our partnership schools. Each school ran a small science workshop to teach children about different areas of science. There were rocket mice, bubble art, thaumatropes and static electricity sessions. The science ambassadors from year 6
We tested how we can create a mechanical advantage to lift heavy objects either using levers or a pulley system. We talked about how important these systems are in places which aren’t able to utilise expensive machinery or live in places where it isn’t possible to get those machines to where they are needed.
10 children from year 5 had the excellent opportunity of attending several workshops with our local PSCO to get a flavour of what it is like working for and with the police force. They investigated crime scenes and even conducted a mock trial!
We have been mixing with white, black and grey to great moody landscape paintings based on a Monet picture. Although we are only using one colour (blue or yellow) we are able to create a full landscape picture with lots of depth.