This week we looked at words ending wihth -ing, -ed and -est and recapped some of our phase 3 sounds. In maths we were counting beyond 20 focussing teen numbers, subitising and using rekenreks. In other areas we read The Mixed up Chameleon and spoke about strengths, we printed chameleons with paint and bubble wrap,
Category: Reception Blog
This week we focussed on word endings such as -ing, -ed/t, -ed/id/ed and -est as well recapping on phase 3. In Maths we were subitising using a rekenrek which allowed the children to continue to develop their subitising skills as they explore the structure of small numbers while building a foundation for further work in
This week we have focussed on longer phase 4 words and compound words in Phonics as well as recapping our knowledge of Phase 3 sounds. In Maths we worked on comparing groups, looking at equal amounts, generalising 1 more and 1 less to 10 and noticing and creating patterns. In other areas we read Owl
This week we have reviewed phase 2 and 3 long vowel sounds and ccvcc words. We have also started to recap all phase 3 lessons. In Maths we have looked at comparison, building the children’s skills in comparing attributes and quantities and considering where numbers are in relation to each other by considering more/less. In
This week covered er, air, double letters, longer words and tricky words; full, push, and, go, no and of. In Maths we focussed on subitising looking at doubles up to 5 and using manipulatives and pictorial representations to build on previous experiences with dice patterns and numbers on fingers. The story of the week was
This week in Phonics we revisited all phase 3 sounds and tricky words. In Maths we looked at the composition of 7 when it is split into two parts using the vocabulary part and whole. We also started our new topic ‘Ready, Steady Grow’ by reading The Gigantic Turnip and writing about the story in
This week we focussed on longer words such as carpet, chicken, bedroom and many more. The tricky words were are, sure, pure, into, she, he, we, me, be and of. In maths we compared quantities and focussed on numbers to 8 and where other numbers are in relation to each other. In other areas we
This week we covered the new phonemes air, er and double letters bb, rr, gg, dd, pp, ff, tt. We learnt the new tricky words are, sure and pure. In maths the children focussed on the principles of counting, number formation, exploring 5 and a bit to make numbers larger than 5 and 1 more