Year four were lucky to have a visit from Severn Rivers Trust this week. We had the chance to consolidate our learning and add extra knowledge to it but making our own rivers. A big thank you to our visitors for a fabulous assembly and two insightful workshops.
Category: Year 4 Blog
After cancellations and the Christmas break it was great to have Year 4 girls football back at the AT7 Centre. The girls were keen to get started and managed to get off to a great start against Wyken Croft with a screamer from Elsie. In a very evenly matched game we finished with a 1-1 draw. A very good start
We have had a great week planning our diary entries from the viewpoint of Chester Brian Taylor. We watched a variety of videos of him ‘in action’ and looked through some photos of him in school and at home. We are looking forward to writing our entries next week and sharing them with you.
Last Friday, 31st January, some of our choir children set off for an unforgettable day at the BP Pulse Live arena. Our adventure began at 12pm when we tucked into our lunch, buzzing with anticipation for the coach journey ahead. We arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare, settling into our seats towards the back left of
Year four having been busy learning to multiply and divide two and three digit numbers by one number. We really enjoy our lessons in the Learning Hub each week and using equipment to support our understanding. We have also combined our maths lessons with being active – using our minds and bodies in unison.
Year 3&4 were introduced to speed stacking, they were working on their hand eye co-ordination to record their best score in the 3-6-3 stack. The children enjoyed trying to beat their best score and the top 4 boys and girls were announced to the year. The scores were sent off to our school games Co-Ordinator who collected the scores from
Year four have been busy learning about sound as part of our science curriculum. We have explored the volume of sound around the school and investigated pitch and tone by making our own instruments. Mr Riley also brought some of his instruments into school to showcase the different sounds they can make.
This half term, the children are focusing on balance and partner work during their PE lessons.