Thank you to all the children who brought in cakes for our cake sale. It was a great success!
Category: Year 4 Blog
Year four joined the archaeologist association for the day. We explored a variety of different artefacts including bones, teeth and ammonites found within the grounds of Ernesford Grange Primary School. The children had to use these artefacts to create their own extinct animal which we will be writing about next week.
The children in year four have been working very hard to increase their knowledge of verbs and subjects and how they are positioned within a sentence. We made posters to recall the information we have learnt so far.
As part of anti bullying week the children wore odd socks to school. A big thank you to all the children who have taken part in our competition and made an anti bullying poster.
Thank you to all the children and parents in year four for making such an effort for children in need day.
Girls Football was back for Year 4, The team was selected from their lunchtime clubs and they were nervous and excited to get started. A special start to the tournament with a talk from Olympians, mayors and young athletes from Coventry with the Lionesses due to play at the CBS Arena. There was a chance for some of the girls
The Year 4 Dodgeball team were selected to represent the school at the AT7 Centre. A favourite event for the children to take part in. The team had a brilliant morning showing their dodgeball skills. The children had a brilliant time and played with Respect, Teamwork and Honesty! Well done Year 4.
The Year 4 agility started this years school sports. The top 3 teams from Coventry East and West were invited for the Coventry Final at the At7 Centre. The children were nervous and excited to start the competition and to show their Running, Jumping and Throwing skills. All the children tried their best and made sure they were encouraging their