Year four have been busy learning about sound as part of our science curriculum. We have explored the volume of sound around the school and investigated pitch and tone by making our own instruments. Mr Riley also brought some of his instruments into school to showcase the different sounds they can make.
Author: Carly Appleton
Indoor Fitness ClubWe still want to keep fit despite the poor weather so we have brought our fitness class indoors. We completed a workout by The Body Coach, famous for his PE with Joe during the pandemic. Each week we plan to increase our heart rates whilst making our bodies fitter and stronger. Learning Hub Club The children relish the
This half term, the children are focusing on balance and partner work during their PE lessons.
Thank you to all the children who brought in cakes for our cake sale. It was a great success!
Year four joined the archaeologist association for the day. We explored a variety of different artefacts including bones, teeth and ammonites found within the grounds of Ernesford Grange Primary School. The children had to use these artefacts to create their own extinct animal which we will be writing about next week.
The children in year four have been working very hard to increase their knowledge of verbs and subjects and how they are positioned within a sentence. We made posters to recall the information we have learnt so far.
As part of anti bullying week the children wore odd socks to school. A big thank you to all the children who have taken part in our competition and made an anti bullying poster.
Thank you to all the children and parents in year four for making such an effort for children in need day.