Last Friday, 31st January, some of our choir children set off for an unforgettable day at the BP Pulse Live arena. Our adventure began at 12pm when we tucked into our lunch, buzzing with anticipation for the coach journey ahead. We arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare, settling into our seats towards the back left of
Category: Music
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their lessons with Mr Withers this half term. They have learnt about composing, the impact of different instruments and how using technology can support their learning.
The children have practised their skills using chime bars to accompany songs and the first few chords on the ukulele.
We have had the BEST time rehearsing for the Christmas play and we thought you would like to see these photographs of the children in their costumes.
Year 1 have begun composing their own music with Mr Withers. They chose which instruments to use and clapped their own rhythm. We can’t wait to carry on with this next week and hear the finished pieces!
Year 2 are creating graphic scores to compose simple pieces of music using untuned percussion instruments. They had to consider which instruments should be playing at a time and how to organise these on the score template. They are looking forward to performing them!