We have been mixing with white, black and grey to great moody landscape paintings based on a Monet picture. Although we are only using one colour (blue or yellow) we are able to create a full landscape picture with lots of depth.
Category: Year 5 Blog
In geography we have been looking at how we can use 4 and 6-figure grid references to accurately pinpoint locations on a map. We found this quite tricky but worked well in teams to support each other in find different locations.
Year 5 have been testing differently shaped objects to see how quickly they can move through water and discussed how if we increase surface area, we can slow objects down. We then conducted similar experiments with differently sized parachutes to test the effects of air resistance
We have been working on improving our understanding of abstract nouns as well as exploring the different collective and partitive nouns we can use in our writing.
Year 5 were testing how far different toy cars would travel over different surfaces. We learned out how friction can slow objects down and discussed the importance of friction with relation to brakes and when walking.
After moulding clay pots at Compton Verney, the children of year 5 had the tricky task of painting their pots to look like authentic bronze. The showed excellent colour mixing skills to achieve great results.
After winning the Coventry East final, the Year 5 team played in the Level 3 games in Solihull representing Ernesford and Coventry East. The team were brilliant throughout again ensuring they were playing with Teamwork, Respect and Honesty. An excellent event again for the Year 5 team who continue to impress with their dodgeball skills and representing the school excellently.