Year 4 have enjoyed getting into the Anglo-Saxon spirit by practising their weaving. Here are some in-action shots and final pieces!
Category: Year 4 Blog
We enjoyed our Harvest Festival which was led by the Reverend Jon Taylor from St Bartholomew’s church. He spoke about the importance of being thankful for what we have and how it is kind to share. He also described how his church would be celebrating Harvest this year. As a school we collected enough food
We had a great time walking around the school to measure different volumes in decibels. We used an amazing app on the iPads and went into different classrooms and areas of the school to see which would be the quietest, and which would be the loudest!
Year 4 have been incredibly generous this year for the Harvest Festival! We had a great assembly with Reverend John, where we learnt all about what harvest was about and finished with our Harvest Samba!
The Year 3&4 Girls football team started this year’s competitions in brilliant fashion this week . The very excited team went to the AT7 Centre to play 3 games of football in this months competition. We were put in a group against Willenhall, Eastern Green and Christ The King. We started against Willenhall in a very close match which ended
Mrs Kingswell’s Maths group enjoyed a lesson in our new outdoor classroom where we investigated rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
We started our Autumn History topic, Invasion, by looking at maps and timelines and trying to answer questions about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions.
Year 4 have started practising previously learned multiplication facts and learning new ones, in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check which will take place in June. The aim is for all children in year 4 to be able to quickly recall all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. We will be using different games, TTRockstars and Times table