
In year 1 we have been focusing our learning on verbs. This week we learnt about some irregular verb including ‘to have’ and ‘to sing’. We then learnt about regular verbs and how adding ‘ed’ turns the verb into the past tense. We played lots of games too!


We have been doing lots of practical maths in year 1. We have spent time putting missing numbers on a numberline, ordering numbers, doubling numbers and adding 10 more. We have found out that if we know our number bonds to 10 then this helps us know our number bonds to 20.

KS1 Science Workshop (Ogden Trust)

8 children of our KS1 children were able to take part in an annual science workshop run by the science coordinators from across 4 of our partnership schools. Each school ran a small science workshop to teach children about different areas of science. There were rocket mice, bubble art, thaumatropes and static electricity sessions. The science ambassadors from year 6