Category: Year 1 Blog
Children worked in teams to create a den. They used pegs and mallets and made sure that their den was big enough for all of them to fit!
We have been mixing primary colours to find out what happens. We used rollers and paint brushes to produce our art work!
Children in year 1 have been learning about the colour wheel. They have mixed the three primary colours together to make secondary colours. They then created art work by using different textured rollers, and folding painted paper in half.
Year 1 forest school enjoyed leaf printing. We talked about how it works and they made some fantastic flags with their printed material.
We enjoyed our Harvest Festival which was led by the Reverend Jon Taylor from St Bartholomew’s church. He spoke about the importance of being thankful for what we have and how it is kind to share. He also described how his church would be celebrating Harvest this year. As a school we collected enough food