This week, year 3 have been predicting, observing, investigating and analysing information about the human body and other animals. We have had a lot of fun and learnt a lot!
Category: Year 3 Blog
Keeping safe online is an important topic for everyone to learn about. Our year three classes had a lot of great discussions about why it is important to think before you act in real life and when using the internet. We saw how easy and quick it is to make a fake profile.
Year 3 have been using maps to locate different countries, counties amd cities as well as analysing the different climate zones.
As part of our Design Technology lessons, the children made tacos and then enjoyed tasting them. As you can see, they had a lot of fun.
This week year 3 have been using the dienes to exchange and regroup when using the column method for addition and subtraction calculations. We have also learned some new vocabulary to use when subtracting.
Year 3 had a great day at Ryton Pools learning all about the Stone Age. We did a range of activities including den building, exploring artefacts from the Stone Age such as a hand axe and an elephant`s tooth! We also made our own fire, roasted `mushrooms` and learnt how to light a fire using flint. The rangers told us
We enjoyed our Harvest Festival which was led by the Reverend Jon Taylor from St Bartholomew’s church. He spoke about the importance of being thankful for what we have and how it is kind to share. He also described how his church would be celebrating Harvest this year. As a school we collected enough food
We had a brilliant day at Ryton Pools learning new facts and expanding on our knowledge of The Stone Age. We looked at artefacts, built dens, toasted ‘mushrooms’ and learnt about the history of the local environment.