We have had a fun week in our maths lessons this week. We explored combinations and possibilities by dressing up a member of our class with different items to see how many different outfit combinations we could make. We then used our science knowledge about balanced diets to explore different combinations of food groups. Later on in the week, we
Category: Year 3 Blog
Year 3 enjoyed their recent investigation into the different soil types in our area. We have also made our own ammonite art work using tracing paper and polystyrene tiles.
Mr Taylor and Chester enjoyed sharing some of their favourite stories.
Now that year 3 have learnt many facts about the human body, we are getting ready to write a report informing others of what we know. We have gathered our facts and we now need to decide how best to present our findings. Watch this space!
Round 3 of this year’s girls’ football tournament and they were on fire in freezing conditions! Lots of excitement going into this round. In the first game it was the rematch against Courthouse Green, this time we managed to win 3-0! A great start to the competition. The next game was against Stoke, another brilliant team performance saw us again
This week, year 3 have been predicting, observing, investigating and analysing information about the human body and other animals. We have had a lot of fun and learnt a lot!
Keeping safe online is an important topic for everyone to learn about. Our year three classes had a lot of great discussions about why it is important to think before you act in real life and when using the internet. We saw how easy and quick it is to make a fake profile.
Year 3 have been using maps to locate different countries, counties amd cities as well as analysing the different climate zones.