2C were challenged to paint a composition using a given template where they had to first mix three secondary colours and then paint using both primary and secondary colours to complete their work. They tried hard to place colours next to each other which looked pleasing to the eye.
Category: Year 2 Blog
We have had the BEST time rehearsing for the Christmas play and we thought you would like to see these photographs of the children in their costumes.
In 2C’s Art project called Mix It, the children have been learning about primary and secondary colours. In this lesson we made a printing block out of clay, which we added texture and pattern to, before printing. We printed using only primary colours and then looked at the secondary colours we had created as they overlapped.
2C are learning why washing their hands is a very important job to remember. We carried out an investigation with glitter and vegetable oil to show how germs can be spread from person to person and object to object. We hope that this has helped them to understand why we nag them to wash their hands!
As part of our learning, children have been learning how to program using lessons and activities from Code.org. To extend their learning, pupils are now using Scratch Jr, the iPad app, to put into practice what they have learnt.
We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes and recognising their features.
This week, we hosted a KS1 Science Workshop for some Year 1 and 2 children across many schools. They all got to join in some amazing science experiments, from learning how we can change the pitch of a sound with water, to how we can make lava lamps using oil and water. The children were supported by the Science Ambassadors
The children were asked the question: Why should we wash our hands with soap? An experiment was carried out to see which condition removed vegetable oil (or germs!) from their hands. They discovered that the most effective was to use warm water and soap.