The Year 4 Dodgeball team were selected to represent the school at the AT7 Centre. A favourite event for the children to take part in. The team had a brilliant morning showing their dodgeball skills. The children had a brilliant time and played with Respect, Teamwork and Honesty! Well done Year 4.
Category: Year 4 Blog
The Year 4 agility started this years school sports. The top 3 teams from Coventry East and West were invited for the Coventry Final at the At7 Centre. The children were nervous and excited to start the competition and to show their Running, Jumping and Throwing skills. All the children tried their best and made sure they were encouraging their
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their lessons with Mr Withers this half term. They have learnt about composing, the impact of different instruments and how using technology can support their learning.
As part of our science topic, the children have been learning about the parts of the body that play a role in our digestive system. Discussing poo and bottoms has meant there have been a lot of giggles in year 4!
We are extremely proud of all the children for taking part in their swimming lessons. They showed resilience and perseverance with many of them managing to swim the goal of 25m.
We have started our new science topic by research different ecosystems. We worked in teams to create our own informative posters.
Year 4 have been taking part in a variety of practical maths lessons. Using the apparatus supports our learning and makes maths a lot of fun!
Our PE lessons are always busy! We have started year 4 by focusing on our fundamental movement skills and agility which will support us throughout the year.