Group A had a fantastic day underground! The children braved the pitch black, damp and cold to emerge hours later feeling proud and accomplished. They tackled cavern crossings, scrambling and some waterfall climbing.
Category: Year 6 Blog
Group C started today at the beach rock scrambling and showed courage on some of the harder rocks. Then after lunch we headed to the gorge and had great fun in the water.
We had an adventurous day in the mine; scrambling up waterfalls, getting a dingy across the submerged lake and enjoying a hot chocolate deep underground. We experienced pitch black which was a first for all of us! Jude showed us how to split slate after we emerged from the mine.
Group E showed lots of resilience today as they climbed Moel y Gest. We were rewarded with some stunning views and we were glad to end up on the beach.
We had fun kayaking this morning and scrambling on the rocks at the beach in the afternoon. The sun shone all day for us too!
Group A had a fantastic time rock scrambling up on the crags today and were blessed with sunshine for most of the day. The children displayed excellent climbing skills going up a very steep section of the climb. The afternoon found us on the kayaking lake and some of us braved the Dol-y-Moch Dive!
Groups C and D were pleased to see the sun today and had a great time orienteering in the morning. In the afternoon they went rock pooling and enjoyed an ice cream. The day was rounded off by escaping from the labyrinth.