Collective Nouns

Year 3 have been learning all about collective nouns. Here they are enjoying playing a game called ‘Don’t tell me’ in which they were given a top secret collective noun. They had to find a matching partner with the same collective noun, but without telling them exactly. They used describing skills such as, ‘It is the collective noun for a

Discovering Rocks: An Exciting Investigation!

Recently, as part of our new topic, Rocks,Relics and Rumbles, Year 3 embarked on a fantastic investigation into the fascinating world of rocks using hand lenses. We examined various samples and learned about the three different types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Using our hand lenses, we observed the unique textures and patterns of each rock. We also explored whether they

Art- Contrast and Complement

Year 3 have been busy this week with our first art project! This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.